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<Separation and conflicts between "me" and "others".>

          The problem is that, as individuals, we are not aware of the interconnection between internal and external conditions, so we unconsciously separate ourselves from the external world. In our mind, the "ego" tends to view the components of the external world (i.e., the people and things around us) as opponents instead of as allies. This tendency is strengthened by the highly competitive atmosphere of today's society. We are motivated to defeat, counteract, weaken, or convert the opponents for our ego's benefit. Without realizing it, however, in making these efforts we only create more opponents that our ego will feel the need to challenge. But, rather than leading to feelings of completion and wholeness, this cycle leads only to increasing feelings of frustration and isolation. The self-centered nature of our ego constantly distorts our perspective, always influences our behavior, and slowly builds within us an unconscious momentum of selfishness and ego-centered actions which, if unchecked, can become a powerful negative influence in our lives.